Monday, September 30, 2019
What is OPSEC and Why Do We Have It What is OPSEC? Itââ¬â¢s a process of protecting little pieces of information that might grouped together to give the bigger picture. It is also protecting critical information deemed mission essential for military commanders. It is simply denying your adversary the information that they might need to harm you or the mission. The AR that covers OPSEC is AR 530-1 and goes over purposes, responsibilities, policy, procedures, training requirements, OPSEC review, assessment, survey, contract and subcontract requirements and special access programs.The reasons why we have OPSEC is because any vital information that the enemy can get their hands on can give them an advantage on the battle field or operations. Those little pieces of information could show the enemy the full picture of what it is that we plan to execute. Most donââ¬â¢t know what is considered vital information. Think about it, what would you like to know about your enemy and how to in filtrate, interfere or stop their objective. How about where you are going, when you are going, how are you moving, what equipment that you will be using and even what paths have you taken before.Even your unitââ¬â¢s job association can be a part of the information they can gather on. Certain identifying marks such as your unit patch, or any other unit/ battalion identifiers can even give information. For instance the enemy is looking at the patch and can look up through Google and find out what unit you are with and keep open eyes and ears to see if they can get any information on what your purpose is and where you will be. Even taking pictures in certain places can give the enemy a layout of an area.Itââ¬â¢s not wise to take pictures of equipment, it would not be hard with the information highway to find out all they need to know about certain functions of our equipment and their weak spots as well. In this day in age we have the social media network that can also help the e nemy track and get information. How OPSEC affects family and social networking We all have friends and family that want to know what you are doing but there are only so many things that you can tell them without violating OPSEC.You are not the only one who needs to understand why there is OPSEC, your family needs to understand its importance as well. Any information you give them and they put out there can affect you and them. The military offers family members who are curious about OPSEC classes and briefs at the FRG meetings. They go over what it stands for and why itââ¬â¢s so important in the military. There are also links on the internet that explain and answers a lot of questions they may have.There is also a Facebook page that family members can go on, itââ¬â¢s called Army Operation Security. Your family has to understand that there is only so much you can tell them and even what you do tell them they donââ¬â¢t need to be telling others or posting it on Facebook. With out thinking they could accidently put the information out without knowing if the person they told is the enemy or a spy. You know what they say keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer.The enemy thinks the same way and will do whatever it takes to get the information they need to plan and infiltrate our operations. Families are the biggest target for our enemies to infiltrate and get information. One more important thing to think about is the enemy could be anyone, American or even your family you never know. There are many reasons why we have OPSEC but not taking the proper measures can result in serious injury or death to personnel, damage to weapons systems, equipment and facilities, loss of sensitive technologies and mission failure.The process of OPSEC There is a process to OPSEC as well the subjects that are covered are identification of critical information, analysis of threats, analysis of vulnerabilities, assessment of risk, an application of appropriate OPSEC measures and assessment of insider knowledge. Identification of critical information is the process of identifying what information is needed by the enemy, not so much protecting everything that is classified or sensitive unclassified, but protecting what is more vital and would be more useful to the enemy.Analysis of threats is the research and analysis of intelligence, counterintelligence and open source information on the likely enemies of a planned operation. Analysis of vulnerabilities is to examine each and every aspect of the planned operation and try to identify certain OPSEC indicators that could reveal critical information and then compare those indicators with the enemy intelligence collection capabilities used in the previous actions that they have taken in the past.Assessment of risk is where they first analyze the vulnerabilities identified in the previous action and see what OPSEC measures can be taken to prevent the opportunity of the enemy getting information, and t hen those measures are selected for execution based upon a risk assessment done by the commander and staff. Application of appropriate OPSEC measures is when the command implements the OPSEC measures selected in the assessment of risk, action, or in the case of planned future operations and activities, which includes the measures in specific OPSEC plans.Assessment of Insider Knowledge is assessing and ensuring employees, contractors, and key personnel having access to critical or sensitive information practice and maintain proper OPSEC measures by organizational security elements; whether by Open Assessment or Covert Assessment in order to evaluate the information being processed and / or handled on all levels of operation ability (the employees/mid-level/senior management) and prevent unintended/intentional disclosure. These are all important steps that are taken to implement those measures to use as soldiers.All this information that they gather and analyze gives us the understand ing of what the enemy is looking, what they have done in the past and what they may plan in the future. We have briefs annually that go over such information that they gather and the measure to prevent them from happening again. We even sign a nondisclosure agreement after we are briefed on what we are not supposed to do when we have information that is mission critical. Basically they go over the does and donââ¬â¢ts in this brief and we are bound in contract not to disclose any of this information to whom it doesnââ¬â¢t concern.Later in this essay, you will know the consequences to violating the nondisclosure agreement. Indicators and Vulnerabilities There are other forms of analyzing ways that the enemy would get information and create weak spots in our operations or mission tasks, they are Indicators and Vulnerabilities. Indicators, consists of five characteristics which are signatures, associations, profiles, contrasts and exposures. A signature can cause certain indicator s to be identifiable and stand out.If a signature is unique and stable, it reduces the unclear and uncertainty of a particular indicator and reduces the number of additional indicators that must be observed in order to determine the significance. If the indicatorââ¬â¢s signature is stable, meaning that the behavior is constant and repeated, an adversary may accurately predict future actions. By varying the pattern of behavior, the signatureââ¬â¢s stability can be interrupted and increase the uncertain information of an enemies observations. An association is the relationship that an indicator has to other information or activities.Adversarial Intelligence Analysts spend a considerable amount of time comparing current observations with past observations, which may reveal possible relationships. For example, an observer may note a particular employee report to work after hours. Though previous observation, the Analyst is aware of that employeeââ¬â¢s position as an on-call com puter forensics analyst. Given the association between those two observations, the Adversarial Intelligence Analyst could conclude that the organization has suffered a computer breach of some sort.An association can also take the form of a pattern. For instance, if it is observed that we do a test fire on our weapons before rolling out the gate to go on mission, an analyst may be able to accurately predict these procedures. Lastly, an association can take the form of organizational patterns, particularly in military units. The analyst may be aware that a particular unit is comprised of Headquarters Company, a maintenance company and a transportation company.If one of these elements is detected, the presence of the others would be strongly suspected. A profile is the sum of multiple signatures, and what that means is when multiple signatures are detected, the combination therein would be more or less unique to a particular mission or task. For instance, if signatures are detected tha t indicate that aircraft fueling capacities are in place, as well as air traffic control, personnel and weaponry, a profile can be compiled indicating future air-based operations.If a unique profile is observed, an analyst may be able to accurately determine which type of operation is in progress, minimizing the need for additional observation and analysis. Contrasts are any differences between the established pattern and current observations. Contrasts are the most reliable indicators because they depend on differences in established and repeated profiles, and need only to be observed rather than understood. A contrast can take many forms; for instance leaving work at a different time or the presence of vehicles or aircraft that were not previously observed.When noting a difference, the analyst will attempt to determine if the change is isolated or widespread, if the change has occurred previously (and has a matching association), if anything significant has occurred since the chan ge and what the change may represent. The exposure of an indicator refers to the length of time and the time frame in which the indicator is observed. If an indicator is allowed to be observed for a long period of time, it will be assimilated into the profile and be assigned a meaning. If an indicator is able to be observed for only a short period of time and does not repeat, it is less likely to attract attention.However, if the indicator is observed for short periods of time, but is repeated frequently, it will begin to be seen as a contrast to a normal profile. These can be found on OPSEC professionals. com. Vulnerabilities, is the information and indicators that can weak spots to infiltrate and disrupt the mission plans or operation. Finding and preventing the vulnerabilities can reduce the affect that it may have on missions and operations that are planned and executed. For instance, your path that you take to a given destinations, and the terrain were they could plant IEDâ⬠â¢s.If someone was to give out information as to where the mission was going and when, it could give the enemy the time to organize a plan of attack on that convoy or mission of operation. Convoy and Equipment security Convoy security is a very important part of our job and there are techniques that we have in the way we pull security and make ourselves less known to the enemy as well. For example, when we have to halt the convoy for complications that arise, we will turn off our lights to make ourselves less know. We also, put spaces between us to eliminate more damage in the event that we are hit with either small arms fire or an IED.Identifying marks on the vehicle is not permitted because it can be traced and monitored by the enemy and observe and predict the way we move and how we operate. These techniques that we have shouldnââ¬â¢t be spoken to anyone as well. If the enemy was to know this information it would give us an even more disadvantage in completing our mission. Ev en the classes that we take like (Crow, Puma, Crew, etc. ) should not be shared information, the enemy would love nothing more that to understand our equipment and the way it works.They will try to find the weakness in anything that we use to plan, secure, and complete our missions and tasks. Radio frequencies are another very important part of information that could be very valuable to the enemy. With that information they could pretty much get just about anything that they would possible need to know to infiltrate us, harm us, equipment and the very mission itself. All this information and more is vital to our very purpose here and simply if the person to whom at anytime you are speaking with or if there are others around and they do not need to know donââ¬â¢t say anything.One other thing that is important to remember there are a lot of DOD contractors around that know and understand about OPSEC, and they are listening around you and will report this information that they hear. Even our battle drills we go over on how we respond and operate under certain conditions can be considered valuable information to the enemy, and something they could use against us. How to Conduct an Operations Security (OPSEC) Assessment OPSEC Assessments are conducted to evaluate an adversary's or competitor's ability to access your critical information, intellectual property, proprietary information or personal information.OPSEC Assessments directly benefit anyone desiring to protect information or assets from disclosure. Operations Security (OPSEC) Assessments enable insight to your predictable indicators, exploitable processes and procedures while presenting specific measures to counter potential vulnerabilities. Assessments can be conducted by internal representatives from each department or can be performed by external experts and typically run from 1-3 weeks.Step 1: Identify information critically important to the organization, mission, project or home [intellectual proper ty, mission details, plans, R&D, capabilities, degradations, key personnel deployment data, medical records, contracts, network schematics, etc. ] Step 2: Identify the relevant adversaries, competitors or criminals with both intent and capability to acquire your critical information. Step 3: From the adversary's, competitors, or thief's perspective, identify potential vulnerabilities and means to gains access to results of step 1. Interview a representative sample of individual.Step 4: Assess the risk of each vulnerability by its respective impact to mission accomplishment / performance if obtained Step 5: Generate / recommend specific measures that counter identified vulnerabilities. Prioritize and enact relevant protection measures. Step 6: Evaluate measure effectiveness, adjust accordingly. This was reference at http://www. wikihow. com/Conduct-an-Operations-Security-%28Opsec%29-Assessment There are many tips when conducting a Operations Security (OPSEC) Assessment here are a cou ple. Donââ¬â¢t try to perform all analysis on your own, obtain threat data from the experts.The cost of OPSEC money wise would be prohibitive to attempt to protect information that is already accessible to the public so focus on what you can protect than what is already publicly accessible. Even though 100% awareness of OPSEC is realistic, zero vulnerabilities are not. Your critical information list should not be secret and inconspicuously posted near PC monitors, phones, copiers, etc. You should keep your list to about ten items. Those aware of what to protect have a better chance of protecting sensitive information as opposed to those unaware of its value is a general rule.Regular assessments ensure your best protection. OPSEC often provides low cost solutions to high tech problems. Instead of a long drawn-out report on observations, findings and proposed counter measures can be formatted in a presentation template. To mitigate vulnerabilities you should include a plan of actio ns and milestones (POA&M) in the brief to decision makers. Consequences to violating OPSEC There are many consequences to violating the nondisclosure statement that all soldiers, NCOââ¬â¢s and Officers are obligated to adhere and follow. This is a direct order from your chain of command.This statement informs you of the obligations and responsibilities concerning OPSEC procedures and consequences that will occur if violating this statement. OPSEC involves vital and important information on mission operations. This includes dates, times, cargo, number of personnel and vehicles, even the rout and destinations of missions. Violations of OPSEC can happen many different ways especially with current technology. Cellular phones are the easiest and most convenient method of use getting and giving information. However, another method would be the internet.People who make random posts on facebook or other forms of social media pages or write blogs about things they do in combat areas revea l types of information without realizing what they have done. Revealing this type of information, whether it was intentional or not can have severe consequences from the Military Judicial System. These consequences include UCMJ, Article 15, Military Court Martial, and separation from the military and loss of all VA benefits. Another and more substantial result of the violations is the loss of peopleââ¬â¢s lives because the enemy found this information from unsecured communication networks.The first course of punishment is an Article 15 of the UCMJ. A Soldier will receive the maximum punishment from an Article 15. Which would be 45 days extra duty, 45 days of restriction, loss of pay and reduction of rank. If the information the Soldier revealed results in the convoy getting ambushed and Soldiers die, that Soldier may have to appear before a Military Court for a Court Martial Hearing. If the Courts finds the Soldier guilty of the charges they have been accused of. This will result in a Dishonorable Separation from the Military.A Dishonorable Separation from the Military may result in future difficulties in civilian life after you are released from the Military. The main problem might be trying to attain a civilian job. When employers see a dishonorable discharge from the military service and the reasons to which you obtained this action. They will be less likely to employ such a person who they canââ¬â¢t trust in. Along with the dishonorable discharge, you will loss all benefits and entitlements. The Bureau of Veteran affairs will also give soldiers loans to buy a house or brand new vehicle.This will also be taken from, because due to the soldierââ¬â¢s indiscretion to reveal vital information and risk the lives of their fellow comrades. References Operation Security on Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Operations_security Operation Security AR 530-1: www. fas. org/irp/doddir/army/ar530-1. pdf OPSEC Indicators: www. opsecprofessionals. org/artic les/indicators. htm How to Conduct an Operations Security (Opsec) Assessment: http://www. wikihow. com/Conduct-an-Operations-Security-%28Opsec%29-Assessment
Applications for Christian Counseling Essay
In McMinnââ¬â¢s 1996 book Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, the author goes into detail about the theoretical and technical applications and interventions involved in the practice of counseling from a Christian perspective. McMinn discusses bringing religion into the counseling office. He asserts that religion is always addressed in counseling, in a variety of ways. Religion is either presented as a negative force which should be removed from a clientââ¬â¢s life, as a positive force in which God is a helpful support in the life of the client, or as a negative force in which religion takes on a shaming role. McMinn calls the readerââ¬â¢s attention to the psychological and spiritual health of the client as being interwoven. From a Christian perspective, psychological and spiritual health is a given, an essential gift from God, and it is up to the client with the help of the counselor to find the path towards recognizing and appreciating spirituality as an element of psychological health. Prayer serves to bring God closer to people personally, and clients can be aided in their goal to reach spiritual enlightenment by praying to God to help them find solutions. Scripture can also be helpful in the lives of people wanting to find a deeper meaning and purpose in their lives, as the path to happiness is clearly explained within the Bible. However, it is not always appropriate to discuss religious ideals with clients. It should be up to the client whether or not he or she feels comfortable discussing particular aspects of religion. Although people are disturbed by sin, suffering from personal decisions to break away from God, it is important to recognize that sin can only be overcome by acts of love and kindness. Recognizing sin is important, but it is not up to counselors to point out the sins of their clients, and it does not serve any purpose for clients to fall into the gloom of guilt and shame. In regard to the benefits of confession, it can be immensely helpful and relieving to share oneââ¬â¢s sins with another person, to give voice to the things one has done wrong. However, it is also important to forgive and move forward in figuring out ways to make amends and rectify the situation as best as possible. McMinn covers all of the basics in regard to how counselors should and need to address psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling. Religion is always a topic of any counseling session, and it is up to the counselor to decide the best ways in which to address the ways in which God is present in the lives of clients. McMinn offers a wide range of ideas and suggestions in response to people who are searching for an answer about how to address Christianity in the counseling office. Response In reading McMinnââ¬â¢s chapter entitled Toward Psychological and Spiritual Health, I was reminded of one of my own road trips with my family as a child. My sisters and I were making too much noise in the back of the van, and my father pulled over, opened the back of the van, and slapped me, shouting at us to be quiet. This is one of my most disturbing memories, and it made a profound impact on my life. Having experienced a situation such as this was a learning experience for me, and it took a while for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I was not guilty, my father was. My father was the one who sinned, not I. He was the one who was raising me, and he made mistakes. It was wrong of him to yell, to hit, to manage his own anger so poorly and to react to me in violence. I think itââ¬â¢s important that sin be treated seriously, as it is an act which fragments tender social and familial relationships. I think that it is important to feel remorse about sinful situations and to regard the incidents with honesty. As a child, I felt guilty, as if I did something wrong. I carried this guilt, which was also sinful, into my life as a young adult, until I finally recognized that I was not to blame. My father was the one to blame. And now, I feel comfortable in knowing what is wrong and right for me as a parent. I feel liberated by seeing the sinful situation clearly and through forgiveness of both my father and myself. I forgive him for hitting me, for yelling at me, and I forgive myself for feeling guilty and ashamed for so long for something which was not my fault. Reflection In reflecting on McMinnââ¬â¢s book, I think it is highly important for Christian counselors to keep in mind the importance of attributing sin to the precise people and situations. McMinn addresses how it is important to regard oneself with respect to oneââ¬â¢s own sins. However, given the relational nature of human social interaction, it is highly significant to discuss the ways in which the sins of others have an affect on the personal lives of clients. Many people have problems in their lives, and many times, people are feeling guilty and ashamed, down trodden and helpless, because of the sins of other people (Isay, 2008). It is important for counselors to see the world clearly, especially the ways in which family relationships create specific relational responsibilities. One of the most important elements of the counseling relationship is to help clients figure out how sin, personal sin and sins of other people, are affecting their lives. Without being precise about who, what, where, and when sin has occurred, there can be no honest step forward into forgiveness. Action In my own professional life as a Christian counselor, I want to be able to help people to honestly be able to recognize and attribute sin to the problems in their lives, whether the sin is their own or the sin of another person. Most problems in the world are relational, and it is nearly impossible to consider oneself outside of the realm of how one is relating to others. I want to be helpful in asking questions and guiding clients in their search to figure out the ways in which sins are affecting their lives. When the sins of the client and the other people in the clientââ¬â¢s life are clearly described and honestly voiced by the client, only then it will be possible for the client to move forward in forgiveness and reconciliation, and be enabled to move closer in a relationship with God. References Isay, J. (2008). Walking on Eggshells: Navigating the Delicate Relationship between Adult Children and Parents. Random House, Inc. McMinn, M. (1996). Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Student Response Essay 1
Student Essay #1 Response In her essay about rollercoasters, Kendall Anderson explains how rollercoasters came to be so popular, are constantly improving in style and technology, and are always leaving us wanting more thrills. I actually enjoyed reading this essay, it was very informal and included interested facts, like about the person who rode on a rollercoaster for a ridiculous amount of hours, and about how there are very few deaths on rollercoasters that are usually just from the medical conditions of the person who went on the coaster.I felt like I could really believe this person about their knowledge and explaining rollercoasters and how they work and how they are made and what makes them so fun with all their appeal to logos, especially when I looked at the works cited page. I found that on the works cited page that Anderson used sources from articles from using Academic search premier and journals such as Popular Mechanics, which are reliable sources and not full of bogus information.She used her sources very effectively as she paraphrased and summarized appealed greatly to logos and providing facts about rollercoasters to explain all the interesting things about them that make you further interested in rollercoasters. I could really tell that she did her research and wasnââ¬â¢t just claiming things about rollercoasters that she couldnââ¬â¢t back up with warrant and facts, which made me believe her. I could tell that she was paraphrasing and summarizing when she included her source in parenthesis at the end of whatever she paraphrased about rollercoasters.What surprised me in her essay was all the interesting facts she included, like when she talked about not only the rollercoasters, but the rollercoaster riders themselves and the many rollercoasters they attempt to ride and for the crazy lengths of time they ride them for, and even the age of the majority of the people in ACE was surprising to me. I found the topic of rollercoasters intriguing to read about since they are a thrill to me, so that is why I even chose to read Andersonââ¬â¢s essay, which in the end I found very informal, interesting, and enjoyable to read.
King Lear and Little Boy Crying
Research and provide examples of the following literary terms: 1 . Simile- A simile is a direct comparison that always contains word as or like. Examples: He is as wealthy as 3111 Gate. Her personality Is like a bubble In a bottle to champagne. 2. Metaphor- A metaphor Is a comparison without the use of as or like. It refers to a person or object (as) being (like) another. The comparison Is Implied rather than stated directly.Examples: He is a half witch. 3. Personification-A trope or figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. Examples: The wind stood up and gave a shout. The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard. Litotes- Is a figure to speech consisting to an understatement In Welch an Attractive Is expressed by negating Its opposite. Litotes uses a negative and an opposite to understate what Is Intended. Examples: He is no Einstein. (He is academically weak) 5.Hyperbole-An Hyperbole is an over -exaggeration, not mean t to be taken literally. It aims to create humor or to emphasize a point. Examples: The teacher complained that she had had hundreds of interruption that ay. She prepared enough food to teed an army. E. Paradox- A paradox Is a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement when analyzed, Is found to be true. The opposites are not next to each other, but are found In the same sentence. Examples: You will kill him with your kindness. (Your kind deeds are doing more harm than good. She is only happy when she has something to worry about. (A happy worrier. ) 7. Euphemism ââ¬â It expresses an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation in a more sensitive, kind and tactful manner, The purpose Is to soften the blow, protect feelings or to be politically correct. Example: The camp forbids any form of chemical stimulants. (Drugs and Alcohol) 8. Ellipsis- It is the act of leaving out a word or words from a sentence deliberately, when the meaning can be understood without them. The three dots (.. Are used to show that a word or words have been left out.Example: ââ¬Å"But, I thought he was Preposition- It raters to an event arising bettor the commencement to the bankruptcy case that Is before the filling of the bankruptcy petrol. This Is onto literary term because It Is not used In figurative or nonliterary sense, and it Is not used to express language by using its usual literal meaning. I believe that this is a typing error, made when the writer added a ââ¬Å"m' in front of a literary term ââ¬Å"Repetitionâ⬠. Repetition- Is the simple repeating of a word, within a sentence or a poetical line, with no particular placement to the words in order to provide emphasis.Example: we must all hang together or assuredly we shall hang separately. â⬠10. Pun- meaning is used to convey humor. They are used in headlines to grab attention and also in Jokes or riddles. Example: Cricket captain stamped. 11 . Suggestion- an idea or a plan that you mention for somebody else to thin k about. Example: ââ¬Å"Children hooked refrain from criminal activity' suggests the inspector general. 12. Irony- The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. The intention is for the opposite to be understood.Examples: ââ¬Å"l can't wait for my detention on Friday afternoon. â⬠Walking into the empty cinema, the woman exclaimed,â⬠fortunately, we bookedâ⬠13. Sarcasm- sarcasm, like irony, occurs when one thing is said, but something else is intended or understood. However, sarcasm is used with the express purpose of hurting, insulting or humiliating. Examples: Mimi must have worked very hard to be bottom of the class. 14. Rhetorical- is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make appoint.The question is used as a rhetorical device, posed for the sake of encouraging its listener to consider a message or viewpoint. A rhetorical question expects no answer. Example: ââ¬Å"Why are we allowing stress to become an invisible enemy? â⬠Task 2 poem: ââ¬Å"LITTLE BOY CRYINGâ⬠Relationship between the father and his son in this poem is shown in different ways, using different themes and literal devices such as personification, metaphor and imagery It depicts an angry, sad and frustrated boy whose mind is full of assessment, because of the heartless and cruel behavior of his father.The poet use of a metaphor in the first stanza ââ¬Å"your frame so recently relaxed now tightâ⬠(line 6) highlights the perplexed mind of the child. He is very unnerved by this unpleasant slaughter of his hopes of an ecstatic pastime, and his mind is full of spiteful feelings of his father. The poet use of imagery ââ¬Å"swimming tears ââ¬Å", ââ¬Å"splashing your bare feetâ⬠and ââ¬Å"angling for a moment's hintâ⬠, shows that the boys tries try to catch a glimpse and of guilt in his father's eyes and to make his father realize the anguish he is going through.The use of metaphor ical phrase ââ¬Å"ogre towers above youâ⬠and ââ¬Å"grim giantâ⬠displays the father as a very dominant person over the child who is comparatively extremely defenseless and vulnerable and it also depicts the father as a negative person and his son unequivocally hates and loathes him. I do agree that the boy finally learnt a lesson from the father's capital punishment. The father is extremely concerned about the boy and he does not take any pleasure in making his son cry but, even if he is in a great dilemma, he chooses to teach his child a lesson than appeasing him, ââ¬Å"wavering hidden behind that maskâ⬠.Play: KING LEAR Task 4 In this play many characters tend to value appearance above the reality, illusion want to see, hear and believe what they think it suits them most and they tend to turn a blind eye on reality. There are also those who present themselves falsely, either to gain advantage or to reveal truth. The play starts off with Lear, as he wishes to be t reated as a king and enjoy the title, but does not wish to have to deal with the hassle of governing the country. This is mirrored in his test he gives to daughter, where he asks ââ¬Å"which of you shall we say doth love us most? (l . 1. 48) the way this question is phrased already demonstrates that he values a flattering public display of love over real love. Despite the fact that Cornelia, Learns favorite daughter refuses to partake in his game causes him to banish her from the kingdom and his close ally Kent. He confuses declarations of love with love itself. He asks only for the appearance, he does not recognize the real love of Cornelia from her single word, ââ¬Ënothing. He mistakes Cordillera's monosyllable, ââ¬Ënothing as an insult.When he retaliates with the quip ââ¬Ënothing will come of nothing and he does not recognize that this truth will apply specifically to him. Instead he values Generic and Reggae's fake sense of fawning over Cordillera's demonstration of si ncere sense of filial duty. He believes his two older daughters' sycophantic professions of love, rewarding them with his kingdom. Lear does not recognize his good retainer Kent after long years of service because of Ken's disguise. Lear is quick to accept him at face value, without any attempt to gain a deeper understanding of him.Even after reconciliation with Cornelia, Lear mistakes appearance for reality. He believes Cornelia to be alive when she is, in reality, dead. Secondly, in this play we read about the second character that s also unable to establish the difference, in his mind, between what people are saying and doing, and what these people's true motives are behind their action. His fate parallels Learns when his choice of appearance over reality puts him at the mercy of his evil, ungrateful child.When Edgar, the good son in disguise as Poor Tom, a madman, pretends to lead his blind father to his blind father to his death at the cliff of Dover, Gloucester, through the il lusion of death, is led to an acceptance of afflictions of life. Ironically, the truth kills Gloucester when Edgar reveals his identity. Gloucester sees himself differently from the people around him; he feels that he is a royal, respected man, holding some power and status. Learns evil daughters, however, decide that Gloucester is a traitor by advising Lear to escape to Dover; that is their reality.For Lear and Gloucester, they allow the deception of their children to destroy them; they value people and situation by appearance, and they have perceptions for themselves which are not realistic. Similarly, we leant that a person cannot accept anything at a face value but must search for deeper truths and learn to recognize and avoid deceit. Task 3 Play: KING LEAR ââ¬ËOf all the plays villains in King Lear, Edmund is the most complicated villain character in this play. He is morally bad, evil and he is responsible for causing many harms and wreaking destruction upon virtually many c haracter in this play.He is a perfect schemer and an unscrupulous character that highly portrays his eagerness to seize any opportunity and does anything to attain his goal. In act 1, scene 2, line 1-22, Edmund delivers soliloquy expressing his dissatisfaction with society's attitude toward bastard. He bitterly resent his legitimate half-brother, Edgar who stands to reveilles that society has denied him. In his soliloquy he talks of his forged letter which he will use to discredit his brother and deceives his father to place Edgar in a bad light.His serial treachery is not merely self-interested; it is a conscious rebellion against the social order that has denied him the same status as Gloucester legitimate son Edgar. ââ¬Å"Now, gods stand up for bastardsâ⬠Edmund commands, but in facts he depends not on divine aid but on his own initiative (1. 2. 22). He rejects the ââ¬Å"plague of customâ⬠(1. 2. 3) that makes society disdain him and dedicates himself to natureâ⬠(l . 2. 1) that is raw and unconstrained existence. After his betrayal of Edgar and his father, Cornwall, Reggae's husband, becomes like a new father to Edmund, as he also has an opportunistic bent.Edmunds affairs with Generic and Reagan tie the two subplots together very well, although the relationships are not presented in detail, and they do not exist in the source material for Edmund, Plexiglas. He does not appear to have as much affection for the two sisters as they do for him, and although he was effective against his father and brother, he cannot effectively play the two sisters off against each other It is notable that when he speaks to Generic and Reagan, he does not speak well, whereas in other situations he speaks very well ââ¬â this is partially due to his trying to conceal his involvement with both of them.Edmund is the sisters' lust object, rather than true love, although he himself does not realize this. The death of Oswald plays the main role in the disclosure of the truth and this highly results in the death of Edmund. In act 4, scene 6, after Edgar injures Oswald, he hopes to prevent bloodshed by unsealing his letter than killing him. This letter actually contains evidence that Generic and Edmund are plotting to murder Albany. Edgar is appalled at this discovery against the life of Albany he hands him the letter at right time.Albany charges Edmund for capital treason and he challenges him to a duel. He calls forward any person to testify that Edmund is a traitor, the disguise Edgar enters, they fight and Edmund gets mortally wounded and he shows a flicker of weakness, and he eventually dies repenting to his villainy. Even if Edmund succeeds in deceiving his brother and betraying his father, he never finds true love. The community always regards him illegitimate. He is rare visible in peoples' eye (2. 1. 1) ââ¬Å"look, sir, I bleedâ⬠he wants his father pay attention on him and gives him the love he need. The two older daughters of L ear regard him as their lust object rather than true love, although he himself does not realize this. I do not find Edmund as sympathetic character because throughout this play Edmund is not kind to other characters and he does care about their problems. He is not showing sympathy towards Lear when he is not storm all alone without any shelter and he finally orders the killing of Cornelia without showing sympathy to Learns mental condition.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The Cider House Rules
TITLE (supplied by the customer): ââ¬Å"The Cider House Rulesâ⬠DESCRIPTION (supplied by the customer): The Doctor offers 2 incongruous services â⬠¦ how can these services coexist? Answer the following questions: What is the moral dilemma posed in the story? A Birth occurs in the story â⬠¦ how does this affect the main character's view? What happens to change the main characters view? What are the Cider House Rules and what are they a metaphor for? Who broke the Cider House Rules? What is the moral of the story? What does it mean to be the hero of your own life?What other issues arise in this story that are relevant to the reproductive and overall health? PROJECT DEVELOPED: The Cider House, an orphanage hospital at St. Cloud's, is one of the two poles or hemispheres the entire plot builds upon. The story poses quite a bit of a challenge to the unsophisticated onlooker's mindset trained primarily to distinguish between, and judge, the clear black and the clear white. Dr. Larch, one of the central protagonists, is a far more complex profile. It's not so much about his personality or character as it is about his moral stance. As a licensed physician, he assists at childbirth.The outside world formally knows him as helping a new life happen. The other side of the man is his second practice amounting to exactly the opposite: abortions, or life taking. He takes life away from infant and totally helpless human beings having little say in their parents decision not to grant them life. It might just be uncomfortable and awkward for these young mothers, pressed by their ambitious husbands, to grant life at this particular point. They are not prepared nor willing to pay that price for their right to have a fulfilling sexual life outside the bonds of marriage.However, the story is less moralizing than that. The author does not seem disposed to judge the heroes very strictly, because another part of the story is that these are for the most part inexperienced y oung men and women. They cannot possibly know as yet what's best for them over the long haul; no wonder their vague yet potent inner drives lead them to mistakes. They have not learned to assume the full responsibility for these mistakes, and they cannot accept the lot these blunders may inflict, early in their lives. Dr. Larch is deeply convinced about his duty to offer services of both kinds.Moreover, he chooses to hand over his skills to a young and promising disciple, Homer [17-20, 50-54, 78]. The latter has lived in the orphanage his entire life, and one would guess his moral values have largely if not solely been influenced and inspired by Dr. Larch's example. One wonders just how those polar practices could possibly be compatible, and for that matter conducive to the younger generation's upbringing. The young person shown early on that abortion is a possibility might likely stick with that option as a quick fix, never minding the longer-term good.So far, however, we have seen a somewhat superficial picture, and it's about time we dwelled on the multifaceted truth. Dr. Larch would never actually even consider abortion a way out-if this were a perfect world [56-58, 124]. The wicked world he finds himself surrounded by rules in wicked ways, supplies ugly criteria and makes one resort to interim compromises to secure a greater boon. This world is good at sermonizing when it comes to condemning the young women making mistakes; yet it is also incredibly cynical in calling on them to pay a price they cannot afford.Of course, we are not talking about the world that Dr. Larch had built-the Cider House. It is governed by ultimate rules that are observed strictly, not because of their tyranny, but because they are a natural moral code of integrity. All the little children living in there are orphans rejected by the wicked world, yet zealously loved by their father [80-110]. No, he is not their biological father-one other criterion of the formalist world, which per mits the distorted and destroyed relationships between the native parents and children.However, his own world's parameters identify him as their ultimate father. This cozy Cider House world is a tiny spot on earth where children love and respect each other, if only by virtue of the sense of alienation that the other world has cursed them with. Any encounter with the outside world is happy only for one of them: the rest of the kids will not be adopted that soon [84-89]. In fact, the big spotlight in the story is about the two poles or two alternatives facing the protagonists: their Cider home sweet home and the bitter world.The same applies to the central figure, Homer who is an extremely likable person and a fast learner, soon to become as skilled as his teacher. Yet without a diploma-another anchor of the outside world stressing the form, the superficiality, the illusion over the intrinsic value. Thus far, he has lived in this paradise which has a lot of bliss to offer. Yet, this w arm Eden could not possibly offer him the knowledge of good and evil, the knowledge he will have to receive in the outside world. Of course, for now Homer has nothing to compare it with-but soon an episode occurs that changes his life for good.A young lady, Candy, arrives for abortion accompanied by her boyfriend Wally, which occasion affords Homer a unique chance for exploring the ââ¬Ëouter space. ââ¬Ë [172-215] He might never have unlocked his potential had he stayed ââ¬Ëhome. ââ¬Ë It was to be the outside world with its challenges and whims that could offer a learning environment. Homer turned out to be just as fast learner when it came to learning about himself. He proved to be good at human skills, and a fulfilling relationship soon began to evolve between him and Candy while Wally was gone delivering on his duty. 267-270, 320] Wally would come back some day, and Candy would have to choose, which was far from her forte. Indeed, she embodies the image of innocent pro neness to mistakes, whereby she had to make a lot of tasting, sampling and trying before she could decide what was right for her. And yet, like the many other young ladies Larch felt sympathy for (and would rather do the abortions than let them die in the butchers hands), she was deserving of the better lot. That experience was a major turning point in Homer's life. The main development was not that he actually liked the world he saw: far from it.Yet, when the doctor asked him to come back home where he was needed, loved and waited for (while the outside world had little to offer), it was already a different Homer to heed to those reasons [365]. He knew it was the only chance for him to learn to decide for himself and to take the responsibility. In fact, perhaps he had already long had that critical stance: he would swallow all the skills that Larch had to offer, but he was reluctant to justify abortion [131]. He therefore only had to learn or realize that he had that.Being the hero of one's own life might thus amount to standing ready to use the benefit of doubt, reserve the right to mistakes and face up to liabilities. That is by far the only way to really learn doing the right things, which is superior to just doing right things as under a benevolent and wise dictatorship. These mistakes should properly be viewed as a cost attached, which one would eagerly incur if the expected reward were abundant. This, of course, is not to justify the try-it-all approach, though wisdom is earned by learning too.The moral could thus pertain to the idea that this world is too complex and controversial, for a superficial judgment to suffice. The lesser evil may at times be viewed as a short-term cost or means securing the longer-term ends, provided the course is just. A cost is always attached to major decisions, though one is free to choose between the safe haven and the rough ocean. These are very different testing environments, in which people judge and are judged very d ifferently. Our superficial and hypocritical perception of the doctor might be rather negative at first, yet we come to see another picture on closer examination â⬠¦
Men In The New Society
I was raised to believe that everything is created equal. This belief was suddenly changed when I entered college. Peopleââ¬â¢s perception and opinion has in a way awakened me to the reality that our choices in life are sometimes affected by the inequalities set by our society. These inequalities have adversely influenced peopleââ¬â¢s choices and roles in life. These may sometimes come in a very subtle form of formal compliance to the expected responsibilities and roles that a person should assume in the society yet these are harsh forms of deprivation of individualââ¬â¢s decision and expression of oneââ¬â¢s being. Societyââ¬â¢ stereotyping of men and womenââ¬â¢s role and responsibilities has created so much damage to people especially among men. In this new age where everything is fast changing and evolving, society should learn to view men and women equally and try to eradicate stereotyping in the system. Society should learn to be fair and equitable in its dealings between men and women. Both are human beings who have the right to live according to personal choices and preferences, rather than according to societyââ¬â¢s unfair expectations and bias opinions. Men and women alike should be given equal opportunities to discover their purpose in life rather than force to assume traditional roles in the family, society and in the country. It is a reality that nowadays society still viewed women favorably than men. Women are afforded more tolerance and understanding while men are stiffly expected to do their roles with ease and comfort. This treatment is even reinforced because of greater advocacy to the protection of womenââ¬â¢s rights rather than on the promotion of the equality of the two sexes. Studies have shown that feminist movement is more prevalent and supported than men movements. Indeed, societyââ¬â¢s treatment between men and women created a huge distance between the two sexes that in effect encouraged men and women alike to strengthen movements purportedly for the purpose of asserting and protecting their respective rights in the society. Conflicts are then heightened rather than resolved. It is said that the most challenging and significant issue that men in the US face today is the oppression among men. This issue is anchored on the reality that societyââ¬â¢s treatment to men sometimes partake the nature of oppression. Men are being unfairly deprived from opportunities to express real self. Most often they are pushed to assume roles like that of being the familyââ¬â¢s provider, a responsibility that can be traced back traditionally. These norms of roles and responsibilities set by the society are seen as oppressive yet unrecognized by many. According to Schenk ââ¬Å"menââ¬â¢s form of oppression have not been adequately defined, thus they are perceived to be non-existentâ⬠. Because of this, society continued to set the standard of behaviors and roles for men and dictate menââ¬â¢s actions and decisions. Since childhood, men are taught to be tough and strong. They are taught not to cry or to demonstrate emotions. Their minds are conditioned to be the provider of the family and the defender of the country. Should they fall short on these social expectations they are criticized, punished, rejected or harmed often throughout their lifetime for the effects of the social conditioning that has been put upon them. Also, men have been systematically trained to give up their beginning inherent, easy expectation of having relaxed attention from another when they are tense. The big boys don't cry principle even begins very early in a boyââ¬â¢s life unless his parents have made the effort that is needed to allow his emotional release process to be left intact. This mistreatment forces males to hide or defend their distresses, which sometimes makes the process of recovering one's inherent individuality and discovering oneââ¬â¢s potential and capabilities much more challenging. Indeed social expectations are more difficult for men rather than women and society has not done significant actions to break this vicious and unfair cycle. Rather society allows the continued oppression against men by several institutions. Societyââ¬â¢s institutions like the armed services, the courts, police and prisons, the drug and alcohol industries, the sports industry, and the work place has directly and indirectly hurt men. Whether society is aware of this is beyond comprehension as societyââ¬â¢s only concern is for men to continue serving women and the society in the same old traditional system of thinking and behavior. Men are also falsely portrayed in the media. They are treated stereotypically and as less than human throughout society. Oftentimes they are projected as the violent sex and oppressive to women. This bad projection has created an indelible mark on the perception of many even to the young generation that makes it more difficult to break the vicious cycle of unrecognized oppression among men. Men in a way do get privilege from the way society sets up everyone with the roles they are in. But the privileges are real and material. It lacks substance and do not in a way satisfy the highest need of men which is to have positive self-esteem. It should be noted that the very best of being human is not material or material privilege, it is our human qualities to be close, to care for others, build many relationships of all kinds, to feel significant and to have positive self-concept. In these areas the lives of men are certainly not privileged and mostly not yet powerful. On the other hand, the extent to which men accept mistreatment and less-than-fully-human relationships is the extent that they not only accept their own oppression but also contribute to that oppression and pass the received oppression to other groups. The internalization of their own group's oppression is all that has been needed to maintain the oppressions of all other groups. When anyone gets tense and behaves in a less-than-fully-human way this behavior reinforces the stereotypes for all the people involved. The oppression of men affects all men. The challenge to face and help resolve the issues of oppression among men is so immense. At my stage now, I may not be able to even make a great contribution to these issues. However, my learnings to these issues in life of men and women would help me a lot in my decisions in life. According to Benett-Goleman, ââ¬Å"life itself can be a teacher, presenting us with the chances to transmute the emotions brought up in us. When life disappoints us, it offers an opportunity to reach beyond ordinary conventions and understandings toward a greater perspectiveâ⬠(365). My awareness and understanding to these issues would then strengthen my resolve that I have to stand firm on my decisions and choices. I may not be able to make a significant effect in the society but at least I can make a difference starting from my own life sphere with the significant people in my life. At least I can break-free from this vicious paradigm of behavior. Reference List Benett-Goleman, Tara. Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind can Heal the Heart. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001. Schenk, Roy. Shame and Male Oppression. National Coalition of Free Men. Retrieved February 13, 2007
Friday, September 27, 2019
Informal proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informal - Research Proposal Example For instance, there has been a significant decrease in the employee retention rate within the company which stands at 40 percent, a scenario that impact negatively to the branch. The main purpose of this proposal is to identify ways in which Roanoke Branch can motivate its employees and reduce the unprecedented employee turnover. This paper will solve the problem of employee dissatisfaction and high turnover through training of both the employees and the management on effective communication, job evaluation, and a review of the existing compensation for the employees. There is no denying that the employee retention rate has been on a declining trend for the past three months. I have noted that two of the branchââ¬â¢s senior managers have in the recent past resigned from their positions. My investigation has informed me that the senior managers, the art director, and one of the accountant executives, are currently working for a rival company. Furthermore, I have received information from three of the graphic designers and four of the copywriters of their dissatisfaction with the company citing the manner in which their innovations are being modified by the senior management without their knowledge. Moreover, I noted that over 40% of the employees recruited in our branch will leave within the next two years. These unfortunate scenarios within our branch threaten our existence, particularly our ability to create a competitive advantage in the advertising industry. Unarguably, a highly motivated human resource is a valuable asset to an organizatio n. It is therefore important for Roanoke Branch to develop a retention plan to retain its human resource, thereby keeping the employee turnover as minimal as possible. As such, I am convinced that Roanoke Branch is able to restore its reputation by achieving the following objectives: After carrying out an investigation on the causes of employee dissatisfaction at Roanoke Ranch, I realized that the main
Russian Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Russian Economy - Essay Example However, as to how oil prices influenced Russia's GDP growth, measures have to be limited to indicators with the share of the oil industry in the overall GDP, specifically on the value added of the sector as measured by trade margins, and finally extrapolate on how these influenced the other sectors that make up Russia's GDP. Some manifestations of the Dutch disease, defined as the negative growth impact on domestic industries due to inflationary pressures on domestic spending brought by the high exchange rate of the Russian currency, have been observed in the 1990s. The ruble which traded on the average at about 540 rubles to the dollar in 2006, started to recover its value in 2004, reached just before 1998 when it traded 400 rubles to the dollar. In 1998, the ruble was devalued to 220 rubles to a dollar and economists observed that it influenced the high growth rates recorded in manufacturing industries, machinery, metallurgy, chemicals and textiles until 2001. The negative effects of the competitiveness of oil exports and the way it affected the ruble, has revealed the vulnerability of Russian industries which was just making its transition from being centrally planned and managed by the State to being market-led where the reflection of real prices and costs would have to take precedence. This vulnera bility has in a way roused Russian authorities to make the necessary changes in its macroeconomic policies - not just in the energy sector which for better or for worse, would take a big part in the economic future of the country, but also in the field of fiscal policy and public spending, to attract the necessary investments and uplift the standard of living of citizens that would boost consumer spending. GDP and oil prices One estimate of the actual contribution of the oil sector (which includes gas) was placed at a high of 18.9% in 2002, due to the sharp increase in oil prices and its volume of value added to exports. This is the largest increase since 1999 among the economic sectors. The value of total trade margins of oil and gas almost doubled by 2000 to 997.3 billion rubles from just 552.3 billion rubles in 1999. While it slowed by down to 942.7 billion rubles in 2001, trade margins of the sector again was up to 1.15 trillion rubles in 2002. However one comprehensive study on the influence of high oil prices on Russia's GDP growth by Shinichiro Tabata, analyzed the contribution of the oil and gas sector (under industry) included not just under goods production (manufacturing), but also under trade (already mentioned above in the analysis of trade margins) as well as under taxes (net taxes on products). He noted that during the period of the recovery from the financial crisis in 1998, the industrial sector's contribution which includes oil and gas, "was remarkable". The trade sector has become the largest contributor to Russia's GDP growth since 2002. Since some values on trade margins and taxes of oil and gas were not yet available for the years after 2002, the analysis of the contribution of oil and gas sectors would have to be confined only until the period of 2002. The total contribution of oil and gas to the growth of GDP grew from 0.3 in 1999 (when GDP grew by 6.3%) and hit a high of 2.2% in 2000 (when GDP was clocked at 10%). When
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business Report of Coca-cola Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business Report of Coca-cola - Coursework Example On the other hand, the internal functions of environmental reporting include to establish or revise or review existing environmental policies, objectives, and programs of organizations and to motivate the management and employees in organizations so as to encourage environmental activities of them. There is a general consensus that excellent environment report should explicitly acknowledge and explain environmental impacts that arise as a result of organizations operations and products and should further demonstrate the commitment of organizations to reduce such environmental impacts by publicly disclosing its policies, targets and long-term objectives (ACCA, 2010). This paper explores environmental reporting in companies with Coca Cola as a case study. Environmental Reporting in Coca Cola Company Coca Cola Company is the largest beverage company in the world and it responsible for the production of more than 500 brands of beverages that refreshes its consumers. Coca-Cola Company pro duces sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, juices ant juice drinks. The most popular and major beverage brands that are produced by the Coca Cola company include Coca-Cola, diet coke, fanta, sprite, coca-cola zero, vitamin water, powerade, minute maid, simply, Georgia and del valle (Coca-Cola-Enterprises., 2012). Coca Cola Company currently operates in more than 200 countries and has established markets across the world. The increasing sensitivity and awareness towards social and environmental issues and the concerns of stakeholders has prompted companies to enhance their images by endeavoring to become better corporate citizens and Coca Cola has not been left out in this trend. It is evident that Coca Cola Company has a wide array of stakeholders who have influence and interests on the company due to its global presence inn terms of market share and operations. Since the stakeholders are diverse and posses different interests and influence, any engagement and interactions t hat Coca Cola Company has with the stakeholders has the potential of shaping its current market share and future investment. The role that such stakeholders play has prompted Coca Cola Company to adopt environmental sustainability reporting as part of its strategic management goals. Another key feature that has caused Coca Cola Company to adopt environmental reporting is the economic, social and environmental impacts that are associated with the operations of the firm (Cross & Miller, 2009). There exist direct and indirect environmental impacts that originate from the operation of Coca Cola Company business. Examples of direct environmental impacts that are associated with Coca Cola business include greenhouse house gas emissions that emanate from the manufacturing site and distribution chain, emissions from cool drinks equipment, consumption of water and waste disposal from manufacturing site (Coca-Cola Company, 2011). The type of environmental reporting Company adopts is based on the guidelines that are given by the United Nations Global Compact framework. Environmental Reporting Strategies and Systems
Problems Associated With Racism. Emmett Till and Trayvon Martin Essay
Problems Associated With Racism. Emmett Till and Trayvon Martin - Essay Example This was a difficult spell which was characterised by white supremacy in order to prove dominance. This dominance was displayed over a group of people who were believed not to belong in the same society as the white people. People, mostly African American, would bear the full brunt of the race factor, since they were often affiliated with negativity. This paper will review the comparison that existed between the Emmett Till lynching and the Trayvon Martin killing. Also, it will address the issue of negative perception on a certain race, and how it is affecting the American people. The negative perception from the whites helped bring forth a string of riots and rise in civil rights movements across the nation. This was since the African Americans felt that their rights were being violated. In the case of Trayvon Martin, there was a similar case of negative perception. A young man heading home from the convenient store with a bag of skittles and iced tea gets shot since he looked suspicious. He was dressed in ordinary blue jeans and wearing a hoodie. That was enough to send the young man to an early grave. This negative perception has not changed entirely even with the reforms that have taken place during the time of Martin Luther King (Metress 65). People are still misdirected, and it is taking a toll on the young African American people of America. As Mississippi was a state that had the most number of African Americans, it was hard for whites and the blacks to entirely get along. This led to the division of people and the division of everything else. There we re schools designed for the blacks, buses, and even hotels. The blacks mixing and mingling with the whites was considered a crime (Metress 72). It was a punishable offense for a black man to gaze at a white lady. That was considered inappropriate, and often led to the arrest of many black men. The perception that black men are violent often has them suspected for many violent crimes which later, leads to their persecution. In light of this, it was highly crucial for the black men and women of Mississippi to keep to their kind; attend their own schools and even, ride their own buses. However, in the wake of Emmett Tillââ¬â¢s killing, the rise in riots and boycotts showed the strength of the African American minority group (Nelson 54). Groups that advocated for equal civil rights as the whites emerged, and pushed for equality among all people regardless of their colour. The death of Emmett Till was considered a pivotal point in the uprisings made by the African American minority. C ivil rights groups emerged in the wake of his death and wanted justice to all those responsible, while advocating for equality. This saw many black people killed in strange and bizarre circumstances. Some were bombed, others were drowned, some were bludgeoned, and others, shot to death (Nelson 63). All this happened in the name of white supremacy. It did not matter that lives were being lost and that the state was in chaos. All that mattered to the white extremists was for them to have control over the minority group. African Americans urged their children to join in the fight for equality, and they did without hesitation. They boycotted school and marched on to the streets to advocate for the treatment of all persons equally. The beating and hosing down of the children brought the president to action, and Mississippi grabbed the consideration of other states, as well. Emmett Tillââ¬â¢s death can be considered the turning point (Nelson 72). This is because after it happened, the strength of the African American people could be felt and seen across the realm. Focus was shifted to the injustices, the killings, and
Nutrition, Metabolism, and Thermoregulation Essay
Nutrition, Metabolism, and Thermoregulation - Essay Example On the other hand, I also appear to take more eggs in some days than the recommended amount. In support of eating eggs, the Harvard Medical School identifies the importantà role of eating one egg each day due to the nutrients the eggs provided. However, I need to restrict the number of eggs that I took daily since there are times that I can prepare four eggs in a single meal, which goes beyond the recommended amount of dietary cholesterol recommended. In this case, dieticians recommend 500mg of cholesterol in a day while an egg contains about 214mg of cholesterol (Sefcik, 2011). Therefore, four eggs contain more than the requiredà dailyà dietary recommendation of cholesterol considering that I do not participate in physical exercises. One part of my diet, which I should improve on, regards the amount of veggies and salad that I consumed. In line with this, I should point out that eating salads and veggies gave me an energetic feeling each day. In addition, the same case applies the moment I eat apples, which are the only fruits that form my weekly diet. In this case, I find myself very energetic and in a buoyant mood when I eat apples. However, I have realized that my diet does not include allocations for many fruits as should be the case. Consequently, instead of taking a bottle of soda each day, I will ensure that I ate more fruits in order to maintain a healthy body. I discovered something else in the course of the week. In this case, I realized that I experienced changes in my body after taking some foods. For example, eggs madeà meà have an itchy throat, made me hyperactive, and made me have dazed thinking. However, I should point out that this was only in instances when I took four eggs. Nonetheless, taking one egg did not give me any of these symptoms. Consequently, I realize that I need to stop taking this number of eggs in order for me
Article _(Have Gun) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Article _(Have Gun) - Essay Example As said thesis points out, the crafting of government policies has become a sticky process of compromises and negotiations that involve the three major institutions in the American political system: congressional committees/subcommittees, executive branch agencies and interest groups. Sometimes called by various names as policy subsystems, issue networks and iron triangle, the three entities function essentially by staking out a claim over a specific area of public concern. Politics come into play when the executive branch agencies or bureaucracies go out to compete for scarce resources in the policy making arena in a bid to establish and maintain a ââ¬Å"policy domain.â⬠Apart from being specialists or technocrats, present realities thus require that the bureaucrats be also consummate politicians. It was believed to be the politicians more than the technocrats in CDC in action when the bureaucratic agency started to stake out a claim over gun-related violence as its administrative domain in the early 1990s. The agency found as window of opportunity the growing concern of Americans about the corrosive effects of escalating violence caused by firearms. 1) Firearm-related violence is a public health issue. As such, this kind of violence is CDCââ¬â¢s legitimate domain owing to its expert knowledge in the health care arena. The problem needs to identify risk factors, to develop, test and implement appropriate interventions. Violence was defined as ââ¬Å"the intentional use of physical force against another person or against oneself, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury or death.â⬠It encompassed such acts as suicide, homicide, rape, assault and child or elder abuse which are intentional. 2) CDC has the necessary expertise in this area. Gun-related violence causes an estimated 35,000 deaths yearly in the US which translates into tremendous health care costs,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Advance project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Advance project management - Essay Example There have been billion dollar resources, media infiltration in addition to celebrity supports, all in excess of what may possibly be illustrated as the effervescent water, by way of flavoring in addition to coloring. Nevertheless this list is not in excess of the product, however above the brand name. The reflection, the links, in addition to the standards that the brand corresponds to. As and when the customers tend to decide a well-known soft drink, they are not simply purchasing the element of refreshment, they are trading into the brand's individuality, in addition to what that brand signifies for. It was during the mid 0f 1990s that Diet Pepsi launched one of those refreshers within its artificial sweetener. In addition to that the market share set out up from an average 4.3 percent to an approximate 7 percent , towards the South of the boundary, Pepsi-Cola US was bundling up all their efforts , energy and creativeness up to inaugurate a new-fangled Diet Pepsi brand, Pepsi One. If Pepsi-Cola around the globe could not perk up the Diet Pepsi Cola business, they would have had to seize the costly stride of introducing Pepsi One. Coming face to face with this challenge, the Pepsi cola brand squad was stimulated to position a David in opposition to Goliath intention. This implied them to turn into the number one diet cola brand within the past few years. Not straightforward, at all. Pepsi Cola went ahead towards toiling to comprehend what may conceivably be giving life to the point of brand stagnation. While doing so, there had been more than a few viewpoints that were demystified. On the other hand, Pepsi-Cola around the globe has established a lot many times that they are capable of looking after their brands. Pepsi cola along with this had been assuming that Diet Pepsi, in addition to being a very well maintained as well as grown-up brand name, may perhaps position on its own grounds by way of its individual descriptions, looking all the more interesting to the more old-fashioned diet cola drinkers. Moreover, Pepsi cola had not been wrong in judging some major factions of the above expressions and statements. Whenever the consumers were requested to attribute brand distinctiveness to the Diet Pepsi, the customers resorted time and time again to expressions that explained Regular Pepsi. These similes had been weaseled to be able to be a focus for the youthful, open intellect Pepsi drinker moreover this was perceptibly quite attractive to the target market .at the same time as this was an acknowledgment to the efficiency of the customary Pepsi's advertising, it fashioned a genuine matter for Diet Pepsi (Vasconcellos, 2007, pg 218). There had been two foundations from which a relocated Diet Pepsi may perhaps resource the sales volume. The most significant was the Pepsi Transistioners, regular Pepsi drinkers on the verge of changing to a diet Pepsi cola. The additional was a subdivision of Diet Pepsi drinkers who felt less associated to the conventionality of the Diet carbonated drinks world. Pepsi put these objectives beneath the magnifying glass. Pepsi cola on the entirety of it had the demographic outline of consumers majorly in between the age of 20 to 40 year olds, although the consumers furthermore collectively were going through comparable modifications within their everyday lives. Despite the fact that Pepsi colas board acknowledged as well as established this growing, they in addition encompassed a common sense of failure. The
Touched by a Vampire Named Angel by Lynn Schofield - The Appropriatene Personal Statement
Touched by a Vampire Named Angel by Lynn Schofield - The Appropriateness of the Science Fiction Genre to the Target Audience - Personal Statement Example The above-named program targets the teenagers and young adults rather than the blanket population. Historically, the westerns type of movies could only appeal to the older generation of the audience because they were the only group that had an idea about the culture that was depicted in the films. However, the science fiction likes the one under this discussion appeals to the teenagers and the young adult group because this group is highly liberal. The use of vampires in films has especially every now and then been criticized by the older generations specifically due to the strong connection that the older generation attaches between vampires and the end times as prescribed by most religions (Clark 3). The older generations often tend to be very religious and are also guided by various religious principles in their daily lives. The teenage and young adult group is however different. First of all, this group is liberal. Majority of teenagers and young adults hold liberal religious beliefs and therefore do not find science fiction films to conflict with their religious beliefs. Secondly, even among the very religious persons among the target group, they treat science fiction as just entertainment. This is important because they can, therefore, watch films with strong religious connotations without being offended or questioning the motives of the producers because they take films as meant for entertainment purposes. Hence, this ta rget group can watch films that have vampires as the heroes without taking it as being an abomination. Looking at the second question posed in the introduction regarding the significance of the vampire named ââ¬Å"Angelâ⬠, one has to keenly follow the actions, the thoughts and words of the character. Although being a vampire, Angel is not wicked and his actions, thoughts and words are consistent with a being that is caring especially to the human beings who easily may be harmed by the vampire population.à Ã
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
DNR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
DNR - Research Paper Example If the patient is not in a hospital, the DNR orders normally state that the medical practitioners in charge of the patient should not take him or her to a hospital for emergency resuscitation. In many cases when the patient is too sick to request for a DNR order, the closest family members or friends can order for one on his behalf (Piers, Benoit and Schrauwen, 2011). Even though all adult patients have the right to request for a DNR Order, its usage is quite a controversial issue in the medical field. The medical profession is one that strives to uphold the ethical principles of human dignity, compassion, non-malfeasance and social justice. Every individual has a right to accept or refuse emergency resuscitation. However, it is also the duty of the medical practitioner to save the lives of the patients he is attending to (Moss, 2003). This is where the ethical and legal implications of DNR come in. Whereas it is within the doctorsââ¬â¢ prerogative to save the lives of his patients, he must also respect their wishes if they do not want to be saved. DNR raises the legal and ethical concern that giving consent to the order may lead to a loss of life that may otherwise have been saved (Crozier, Santoli and Outin, 2011). The DNR order should be honored if the patient who fully understands his medical situation consents to it. There are provisions in law that give the patient the right to chose the form of treatment that he deems best. It is the duty of the care giver to consider the needs and wants of his patients. Therefore if the patient consents to or gives DNR orders and signs the DNR form, the care givers should employ other treatment options to try and save his life. Sometime the options available are not efficient enough and the result is normally catastrophic (Ani, 2005). The ethical question still remains on whether the care givers should not do everything possible to save
What do you consider to be the importance of witches in Macbeth Coursework
What do you consider to be the importance of witches in Macbeth - Coursework Example One of the witches tells MacBeth that he is the ââ¬Å"thane of Glamisâ⬠(I, i, 45-46). The second witch tells MacBeth that he is the ââ¬Å"thane of Cawdor!â⬠(I, i, 49-50). The third witch tells MacBeth that ââ¬Å"that shalt be King hereafter!â⬠(I, i, 51-52). Epstein (422) states that, after the final pronouncement by the final witch, MacBethââ¬â¢s hair stands on end and his heart starts pounding. This shows that this is something that MacBeth has thought about himself ââ¬â that he could be King, if only Duncan were out of the way. Epstein (422) further notes that the word ââ¬Å"wyrd,â⬠which was what the witches were called, as they were referred to as ââ¬Å"weird sisters,â⬠(I, i, 31), is actually misinterpreted. The modern plays interpret the word ââ¬Å"wyrdâ⬠as being the same as ââ¬Å"weirdâ⬠in modern day language. After all, the three women were very weird. When we first meet them, one of them is killing swine, and the other on e speaks in rhymes ââ¬â such as ââ¬Å"in a sieve Iââ¬â¢ll thither sail, and like a rat without a tailâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (I,i,8-9), and ââ¬Å"Here I have a pilotââ¬â¢s thumb, wrackd as homeword he did come. A drum! A drum! MacBeth did come!â⬠(I, i, 29-31). Perhaps in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s day it wasnââ¬â¢t weird to speak in rhymes in the plays, so the audience for Shakespeare might not have thought that this was out of place, but the rhyming definitely made that particular sister seem weird. Therefore, the fact that the sisters are referred to as weird might be a modern-day interpretation of them and their overall characters. But Epstein (422) states that the word that was actually used as ââ¬Å"wyrd,â⬠which means fate. This would bring a variety of translations for the witches, assuming that the word is ââ¬Å"wyrdâ⬠and the meaning is ââ¬Å"fate.â⬠This would be a pun, but a very meaningful one. This would be an answer to one of the questions that is central to the play, and that is whether or not our fate is determined by our own hands or by some kind of outside force. The outside force would be the witchââ¬â¢s influence over MacBeth and Lady MacBeth, both of whom are responsible for the bloodbath that is to follow. The implication is that the witches are responsible for MacBeth and Lady MacBethââ¬â¢s overwhelming ambition that created the situation where there was a string of murders that MacBeth, an inherently good man, commits. If it were not for the outside influence on the proceedings at hand, there is not a way that a man like MacBeth could have done what he did. After all, the word ââ¬Å"fateâ⬠implies a lack of control ââ¬â that whatever happens in this world is predestined, and that we are powerless to stop it. Therefore, one of the functions of the witches is both in their persona and in the double entendre on the word ââ¬Å"weird,â⬠in that their persona is what ostensibly controls the situat ion, and the word ââ¬Å"weird,â⬠possibly means fate in this context. There is another interpretation of the word ââ¬Å"wyrd,â⬠according to Epstein, and this interpretation leads one to the opposite conclusion as the interpretation above. This is that the word might suggest ââ¬Å"wayward.â⬠This would imply that the witches were not even real, but, rather, were figments of MacBethââ¬â¢s imagination. This interpretation would suggest that fate was not in control, at all, but, rather, MacBethââ¬â¢s deep seated ambition is what is in control. This would imply that what happens to him is a result of his own free will, not the result of the witches influencing the proceedings a
Monday, September 23, 2019
Vodafone international marketing strategy Case Study
Vodafone international marketing strategy - Case Study Example The fourth chapter will describe the research process i.e. how the research will be conducted and fundamental description about findings. The fifth chapter will describe the analysis of data gathered by literature review and secondary method. This chapter will show if the research findings match with the literature review or not. In the final chapter the ultimate conclusion will be drawn and discussed based on the research problem. The case study is based on the research objective i.e. to understand the international marketing strategies of Vodafone and its impact. Literature Review Vodafone is a telecommunication company which operates their business worldwide. It is a UK based company which serves around 359 million people internationally and operates in over 30 countries in the world [2] (Vodafone Limited, 2010). International Marketing Strategy The principal approach to development of international marketing strategy can be done by three steps. First is the recognition of differe nt marketing segments within the industry, second is clarifying the target customer segment and third is the improvement of products and services according to the needs and requirements of the particular segment. In order to be competitive in the international environment, Michael Porter had proposed three strategies which are cost leadership, focus and differentiation. Vodafone had implemented Porterââ¬â¢s generic strategies in the international business environment to remain competitive. Vodafone had focused on decreasing the cost of their services. In certain particular countries, Vodafone had implemented unique offers to dominate in the market segment. The Porterââ¬â¢s Generic Strategies of Vodafone Strategic...Their cost program helps to balance the cost inflation and facilitate them to increase the revenue [3] (Vodafone Limited, 2010). Vodafone had implemented ââ¬ËSiemens topââ¬â¢ plan to employ cost optimisation and reduce the cost of various operations. This plan had successfully reduced cost by 10% per year. Through this plan, Vodafone had involved 500 procedures and freed over 4000 servers and 1000 Tera Byte storage space. Their maintenance cost was saved by 10% and consolidation services cost was saved by 25% (Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH, 2011). In the year 2007, Vodafone had selected Sony Ericsson to supply and allocate the spare equipments for their network service in European countries such as Portugal, Spain and Germany. According to the deal with Sony Ericsson, the supply of spare parts included 2G, 3G and transmissions tools in Europe. This is a part of cost reduction strategy of Vodafone which could enable the company to minimise the average cost of management procedure of supply and develop the service level. Through this agreement, Vodafone can harmonise the spare component supply, provide better cost transparency for the provision of services and eliminate the extra investment for spare component inventory. This agreement is beneficial for Vodafone in the sense that it can save the cost by channelizing purchases in all countries by a single supplier (Vodafone Limited, 2007).
W2 Asign Determining Requirement in Data Warehousing Essay
W2 Asign Determining Requirement in Data Warehousing - Essay Example data warehouse, pick-up interesting data, format his or her own queries, drill through the data layers, and create custom reports and ad hoc queriesâ⬠(Ponniah, 2010, p. 40). As such, these power users usually seek complex information, multidimensional (MD) analysis, and statistical analysis which could be facilitated through the online, intranet, internet, as the use of emails. As learned from Ponniah (2010), the ââ¬Å"primary goal in the requirements definition phase is to compile information packages for all the subjects for the data warehouseâ⬠(p. 105). The kinds of requirements that one needs to gather at the requirements definition phase are categorized as follows: The gathering of information during this phase could be solicited through three (3) primary means or basic techniques: interviews, joint application development (JAD) sessions, and through questionnaires (Ponniah, 2010). Thus, the kind of details to be gathered would depend on the needs and demands of the users in the organizations. Through the use of the basic techniques for gathering information, as the query tools specialist, one must be able to comprehensively assess and determine the informational requirements of each user according to the category of requirements as stipulated above. Likewise, the types of questions that should be designed and communicated to the users should be structured in the most effective manner to facilitate solicitation of the appropriate response. Concurrently, it was also learned that aside from utilizing these three (3) basic techniques for data gathering and collection, one could gather useful information through the evaluation of existing documentation (Ponniah, 2010). As emphasized, ââ¬Å"review of existing documentation can be done by the project team without too much involvement from the users of the business units. Scheduling of the review of existing documentation involves only the members of the project teamâ⬠(Ponniah, 2010, pp. 115-116). Overall, as the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Oceans support Essay Example for Free
Oceans support Essay What would happen to the earthââ¬â¢s terrestrial and aquatic species (a) if most of the worldââ¬â¢s oceans disappeared and (b) if most of the worldââ¬â¢s land disappeared? a) More than two- thirds of the earthââ¬â¢s surface is covered with oceans. These oceans support up to nine tents of the habitable environmement without which most the living organisms will perish. Several life forms are supported by the oceans. The coral reefs, salt marshes and sea grass beds are exampls of ocean environments which support a large number of species which live in symbiosis. It is vital to note that ocean water support land- dwelling organisms. The oceans influence the climate andd weather thus affecting life on land. The water from the ocean evaporates and rises. It then cools and forms rainfal which is important for the survival of land -dwelling organisms. The rainfall is also the basiss of rivers and lakes. It can therefore be concluded that if the oceans disapeared, most of the living organisms will dissapear. Perhaps a few organisns will remanin from the little water available but eventually it will dry up and no more life on earth. b) If most of the land disapeared, most land vegetation would dissapear. This means less food for land animals hence most land animals would die. Some aquatic animals depend on land for reproduction. Thus lack of land may cause extinction of such animals. This may cause imblance of life in the ocean causign the death of more life. It can be argued that most organisms would dissapear but some aquatic animals will survive. Why do deserts and arctic tundra support much smaller biomass of animals than do tropical forests? Why do most animals in tropical rain forest live in its trees? Arctic tundra occur at high latitudes. They receive little water as precipitation. Howewer, their soil remains wet since there is little evaporation due to low temperatures. Also the low temperatures lead to freezing of the soil thus prevenitng underground drainage. The low temperature affects the soil and climate in general and cannot favor the survival of many animals. This impplies low biomass. In the deserts there is a lot of heat and lack of water. Therefore desert animals must develop serveral adaptations in order to survive. Most are noctunal. Due to extra care the animals need to survive, they may not get favourable conditions for cohabiation hence low rate of reproduction. Most animal species cannot survive in the desert leading to low biomass. On the other hand toripical forests receive much rain and warmth throught the year and therefoe consist of tall trees. Due to availability of food and favourable climate many animals live in the forets. The animal reproduce faster than in the deserts. This results to a greater biomass. Many animals in the forest live in trees since they have to adopt themselves to the forests. The trees are tall and therefore the animals have to climb to find food and sunlight. The insects and birds mostly depend on nector which has to be found high up the trees. How would you reply to someone who argues that we should not worry about our effects on natural systems because natural succession will heal the wounds of human activities and restore the balance of nature? If nature is left alone it will always heal itself. Human activities deplete natural resources at a rate faster than it can sustain. Due human activities, there has been destruction of habitats. Forests have been destroyed which will take several years to recover. In the seas and oceans, there has been overexploitation of fish which bring about imbalance of aquatic ecosystems. Many fish species have become extinct which affects all organisms in the food chain. Human activities have also brought about global warming which has led to climate change. This change leads to extinction of plant and animal species. Man has also brought in some alien species of plants and animals which may affect those organisms in their natural habitat. How would you reply to someone who contends that efforts to preserve natural systems are not worthwhile because nature is largely unpredictable? One can argue that nature is unpredictable. However, most of the ways of nature are known. For instance it is known fish eat planktons. It is expected that if there is overfishing, there would be excess of phytoplankton. This will affect all other members in the food chains. Consequently marine life would be affected. Excess phytoplankton may decay and cause further damage. Some members in the food chain may become extinct. Also careless use of chemicals affects the sea life thus destabilizing the sea life. Inasmuch natural disasters and the course of nature may cause damage, deliberate harmful activities cause great damage quickly than would have been caused by natural disasters.
Physical Security Essay Example for Free
Physical Security Essay Securing networks or systems within institutions and corporations is not enough. At present, security is not only concerned with the ethereal aspect of it but also with the tangible dynamics of physical security. Although physical security seems too basic, establishing even the most sophisticated network security is useless if its physical environment does not keep it sheltered and protected. Security threats that have something to do with the physical aspect of institutions include burglary and theft. In this case, even the most established digital security system that functions within the computer networks will not be able to prevent these crimes. A breach in physical security makes the network or digital system of the institution susceptible to power interruptions that disrupts the security system, addition of hardware devices that may used to hack or spy into the system, removal of hardware devices that paralyzes the system, copying confidential data from the system through USBs, CDs, and such, logging in the system directly without authorization, etc. Stewart, 2004) The importance of high standard physical security systems and policies ensure that aforementioned situations that seek to jeopardize the position of institutions that might affect all its aspects, especially its finances, are avoided. Having a secure digital system is impressive, but having a secure digital system and physical environment is highly recommended. To uphold high quality standards of security, both the digital and physical aspects of security should be merged. Sturgeon (2004) defines this as marrying digital and physical security. Physical security involves the use of high-tech gadgets such as cameras that will be used for close monitoring, 24-hour video coverage and storage, video recording triggered by movements, wireless and mobile installments within the physical environment, etc. (Physical Security, 2008) The physical security approach is based on four principles or strategies. First, physical security follows the necessity of protecting the network or institution, detecting security threats and possible risks, responding to these threats and risks, and allowing recovery for the network or institution from damages or indemnities brought about by security breaches. This process requires setting up of security systems that will accomplish these four phases of protecting (with the use of controlled access systems that restricts involvement of the public to authorized personnel only), detecting (using surveillance systems and frequent check-up of the physical areas of institutions), responding (well-trained security officials and network protocols that carry out these responses to security threats and risks), and recovering. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) Second, physical security builds up on hierarchical zones that protect or safeguard access to the security system. These hierarchical zones include the public zone (areas accessible to the public), reception zone (area wherein the boundary between the public and restricted zones is determined), operations zone (areas private to personnel), security zone (areas private to only authorized personnel or visitors), and the high security zone (areas private to authorized and escorted personnel or visitors). Within these zones, technological facilities and security officials are installed and designated respectively to carry out four phases in the previous approach discussed. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) The third approach in physical security is controlling access to determined hierarchical zones. This approach has something to do with controlling access most especially to restricted areas. It does not only control individual access, but is also concerned with the entry of materials considered to be potentially threatening or risky to security, such as mobile phones and other technological gadgets, harmful objects such as knives, guns, and such, etc. Although institutions should consider this approach in physical security, controlling access should not limit or restrict authorized individuals too much, allowing them ease in visiting each zone within the institution. Aside from security officials designated at every zone, there should also be systems that carry out state-of-the-art security protocols, such as technologies installed within the institution that asks for PIN or access numbers, access cards, biometrics, etc. Fourth, physical security systems should be designed to increase security levels in times of emergency or security threats. (Operational Security Standard on Physical Security, 2004) These four approaches, as recommended by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat follow the requirements of a strong and efficient physical security system. The concepts supported by these four approaches suggest how physical security systems and policies should be established in order to ensure that it will serve its purpose. However, accomplishing all the requirements in establishing a physical security system and a set of policies is not enough. Institutions should make sure that these elements of security are assessed and evaluated to ensure that it is properly sustained and it is up-to-date with trends in security technologies and processes. Part of the evaluation process includes frequent training and drills for security officials, checking-in with technological innovations that improve quality of security measures and systems, and observing existing systems to determine much-needed replacements or tweaks. With all these information in mind, physical security is a vital part in institutions that should not be neglected nor taken lightly. It complements digital network security systems, such that it prevents it from being jeopardized or subjected to external control, manipulation, and possible damages that affects the operations within the institution. Establishing a solid physical security system require that all aspects of the physical environment within an institution is identified. Mapping out requires that the institution determines where security is most needed and where access is most likely to be controlled. Aside from going over the basics and technical details of physical security systems, institutions should provide time and effort to evaluate the system in order to ensure that it functions efficiently according to its purpose, and that it meets the highest requirements of quality standard physical security.
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